Friday, July 9, 2021

Here Come the Not-Really-Unidentified Flying Demoncraft With their Doctrines of Delusion.

And another one by Understanding the Times radio on UFOs, in response to the recent release of the now-declassified government report on UFO sightings. They beliee as I do that these phenomnena are demonic, but of course the unbelieving world thinks they are extraterrestrials, or something else they think can be explained by science.

They do mention that even some UFO scientists such as Jacques Vallee regard them as spiritual beings, and quote him at one point saying that their treatment of abductees (which really happens) is similar to Medieval occult (satanic) rituals of initiation. This i late in the video, around 45 or so.

Starting about 23 they discuss the Vatican's interest in UFOs, the fact that they've been studying the sky with high-powered telescopes for many years. They quote Pope Francis saying he'd like to baptize one of them although the Roman Church also speculates that they may not have experienced a Fall and are therefore sinless, so shouldn't need to be baptized. If they are that pure then they will become the teachers of human beings. And of course this whole delusional scenario will provide a very handy explanation for the Rapture of the Church as an abduction event, as well as an explanation why the Pope and Catholics as well as other "Christians" didn't get Raptured.

This revelation of the government reports on such phenomena suggests that we must be very close to the playing out of the End Times drama. I'm thinking that such "spooky" phenomena wouldn't be made public e earlier in the approach to the end. But so much of the stage is already set it's time to take it down to the wire. Slowly still, surely there is more to come as poor humanity gets used to the idea in baby steps first.

Yes the Name of Jesus will scare them away. Which is evidence that they ARE demons. But if you're going to use it don't leave it at that, He paid for your sins on the cross so you don't have to spend eternity in the lake of fire: give yourself wholly to Him.

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