Thursday, June 3, 2021

Various Doctors, Peter McCulloug, Pierre Kory, Rochard Fleming, Sinister History of the Suppression of Effective Treatments for COVID etc

Notice: I keep updating the information in this post as I become aware of it. Seems better to have it all in one place than scatter it through many posts. Having a small readership also helps me justify it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

UPDATE: Bret Weinstein and Dr. Pierre Kory on the suppression of Ivermectin and other facets of the pandemic story, similar story to Peter McCullough's.

Later edit: Around 36:45 Dr. Kory says in Mexico they gave Ivermectin to everybody who tested positive for COVID, a "low dose" which ihe said is 12 mg, four pills in two days and the death rate dropped precipitously. At 40:42 he says that taking Ivermectin once a week absolutely prevented the disease. The group that took it had zero incidences of the disease, while 58% of the group that didn't take it got sick. Doesn't mention dosage here but if 12 mg is a low dose as he said earlier maybe we can guess that was the dose? Anyway he's making a srong case that ivermectin could have wiped out the disease. He goes on to desribe one health official in India who got the same results in his district while another official in another district that outlawed it and used Remdesivir instead found no decrease in the incidence of deaths

=================================================== Here it is, the whole story. This is Dr. Peter McCullough describing the history of what has happened in the medical world since the beginning of COVID-19, the trials and experiments with treatments, the publication of a fake study of HCQ. the suppression of effective treatments that could have saved 85% of those who died of the virus. Along with the suppression of treatments like HCQ and Ivermectin there's this huge push for the vaccines, which have so far killed 4000. Malfeasance, malpractice, a global agenda pushed by powerful people.

UPDATE: Here's Del Bigree interviewing Dr. Richard Fleming, "Is COVID 19 a bio-weapon?"

And one I heard recently but lost track of I hope to add eventually: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on evidence for effects some unvaccinated people are experiencing from being around those who have been vaccinated, including blood clots, and what she does personally to protect herself from it (HCQ, Ivermectin, vitamins etc.)

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