Tuesday, May 4, 2021


In my opinion Chris Pinto's documentary the True Christian History of America could be used as a platform for launching some needed educaton in the historical origins of our American form of government. Through quotes from major figures in European history he shows that the concept of liberty that is embodied in our founding documents was developed over centuries of experience of the tyranny of kings and Popes and that its foundation is the Bible. It shows clearly that the right to perosnal freedom and the right to overthrow tyrants were given powerful voice by Christians down the centuries and that contrary to popular propaganda none of it comes from any nonChristian source. In quieter political times we could perhaps organize study groups to educate us ignorant Americans in principles that have been kept from us so that in a liesurely manner we could familiarize ourselves with them, principles tht have become alien to us, and perhaps think it all through to political decisions based on it and reclaim much of what has been lost.

But it comes right at the point where we may have finally completelyh lost our true America, when there is no way left to reclaim it. Sometimes we hear drastic solutions like civil war but they fizzle out rapidly under the sheer practical impossibility of it, not to mention that such an effort would be doomed to failure unless we'd truly learned what we are fighting for and I think this film makes it painfully clear how little most of us understand what we would need to understand to do it right. It's founded on solid Protestantism for one thing and few of our churches embody that Protestant spirit any more, let alone the culture at large. I happened to hear a bit of a radio talk show on the weekend in which a caller into the show spent his time reading from the Declaration of Independence, of course implying that we are at the point where we again face a tyrannical government which calls for a righteous severing of ties with it. The host of the show pointed out that since half the population voted for this tyrannical govennment the circumstances put such an undertaking out of the question.

So for many reasons we're in a hopeless position. But God is in charge and I keep being driven back to what I think is the real core of the matter, which is that we, Christians I mean, are out of favor with God and that's the reason the situation is hopeless. We could possibly push back the encroaching evils in this country if the churches first sought repentance from sins and errors, many of which aren't even suspected.

Such as the head covering. Repentance is a main part of Christian prayer for revival and it was highlighted at the big prayer gathering in Washington D C last year, but what good does it do if we are not repenting of what we should be repenting of? Oh I'm sure some of the concerns are rightly identified, but if for instance the abandonemnet of the head covering is a cause of much of our backsliding you can be sure nobody is praying about that. And it would be resisted if someone brought it up.

I also have to mention here that Jonathan Cahn who led that big gathering has participated in national prayer breakfasts which include nonChristians, and I'm sure he's just one of many who join in and don't call out that major affront to God. Our National Cathedral which was originally Protestant now welcomes other religions too. You think God is going to bless us when we pray with the priests of Baal and Dagon? Our illustrious Protestant Christian foundationss are mightily betrayed in our modern ecumenical mindset, there's no hope of reclaiming them unless the temple is cleansed.

Reinstate the head covering, throw out the idol worshippers and that would be a good start. The very thought implies a strengthening of the churches it's normally hard to imagine and I can hardly imagine it even as I describe it, might as well be asking for the miracujlous moving of mountains.

Another big problem that isn't seen as the problem it really is, and doesn't get included in discussions of doctrinal errors even by those who see it as a problem, is the effect of the modern Bible Versions in undermining biblical inerrancy, as well as contributing to a level of cacophony that creates confusion in the churches. We know that the Greek manuscripts Sinaiticus and Vaticanus were at least the work of heretics in the early centuries of the Church, according to J W Burgon, either that or possibly later forgeries. The acceptance of them as genuine has contributed to the denial of biblical inerrancy although some insist on inerrancy even in the teeth of their influence against it.

Since these manuscripts do not contain some passages that are familiar to us from the King James and other versions based on the manuscript tradition knosn as the Textus Receptus, their acceptance as genuine casts doubt on the revered Authorized Version and of logical necessity on biblical inerrancy despite efforts to hold onto it. Holding onto it can't logically be done. Either we recognize that the newly discovered manuscripts are not genuine or we give up on biblical inerrancy. It happens to be Chris Pinto, again, through his documentary series on the Bible, who has probably done the most to show the falseness of these manuscripts.

Yes America really was founded on Christian principles. I'm glad to see the evidence for this now , finally, even as it looks like we're in the middle of a Communist Revolution and may never be able to get back to it. Nevertheless I write in hope. God judges, He also revives. God is in charge

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