Tuesday, May 11, 2021

How We Lost America

At the end of his film on the Christian History of America, Chris Pinto quotes American founder Samuel Adams from a speech he made just before signing the Declaration of Independence, that now would commence "the reign of Political Protestantism."

That's what it should have been, and to a large extent it was, but even from the beginning there were the seeds of its destruction planted, in the Deistic mentality of some of the founding generation, and even in the documents that should have guaranteed the reign of Political Protestantism, as over time they became subject to the misinterpretations and manipulations of the fallen mindset.

In this fallen world it takes extraordinary dedication to preserve the Christian worldview because it is not natural to fallen humanity. All revivals deteriorate, at least because we get complacent and forget to work to preserve them. Then we get dull and don't even recognize when God's principles are twisted into their opposite. When the First Amendment becomes a protection for pornography and for pagan religions including even Satanism, and Constitutional rights and freedoms are claimed for the murder of unborn babies and Gay Marriage, it ought to be apparent to anyone who has even a vague understanding of the spirit of the original that it has been twisted and turned on its head. When our rights and freedoms are extended to our enemies against us how do we get back to their true meaning?

Perhaps we can't. Perhaps it's all downhill now.

Jonathan Cahn gives a stirring message to President Biden about his support for godless policies, and says only revival will save us now. Of course he's right, and many Christians pray fervently for revival. Yet it isn't happening. I've given my opinmion about why not and what it would take to make it possible, and there are probably other reasons I'm missing. But it doesn't look promising at all. It looks like downhill it is.


Recently I've been watching The Truth Project for the second time. It's at You Tube, a series of talks by Del Tackett put out by Focus on the Family, that does a good job of spelling out the opposition between the Christian worldview and the worldview of fallen humanity. It shows how the fallen mentality has been taking over. Yes it does look like it's all downhill now.


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