Saturday, May 29, 2021

Are UFOs to Provide the World's Explanation for the Rapture?

Jan Markell and her May 28 radio show guest think it's a strong possibliity. When the Church is Raptured an explanation will be needed. There will be "Christians" left behind who won't want to believe those who were taken were the true Church so they'll look for some other explanation. The world in general isn't going to want to credit the Bible or Christianity with anything either. The upcoming release of government documents (June 1 according to Markell) and the recent upsurge of interest in UFOs or UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) may provide the Likely Story.


The program covers other facets of the End Times scenario, The Great Reset being the plan that fits the Great Tribulation prophecies. They talk about UFOs about ten minutes in. The theme of the show is that all the elements of the End Times prophecies are coming together rather dramatically these days. The renewed attacks on Israel by Hamas and the Palestinians are one element. the release of classified documents about UFOs seems to fit in as a likely propaganda tool for explaining away the Rapture. The rapture is to be the initiating event of the seven-year Tribulation period or the Seventieth Week of the Seventy Weeks prophecy of the Book of Daniel, leading up to the return of Jesus Christ.

A Great Delusion is to grip the Earth. Not that this sort of delusion is anything new, most of the world is already well primed for it by the materialist mindset. The revelation that the US government regards the UFO phenomena as real physical phenomena should establish the idea of extraterrestrials in the public mind, though in reality it's most certainly a demonic deception. The ET explanation will no doubt prevail. In a world that rejects the supernatural and explains everything in physical terms what else could it be? Evolutionary Theory that reduces humanity to primary physicality for instance is a well established major path to the end times delusion.

Some eyes will be opened, may they be yours. Others will only close tighter.

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