Saturday, April 17, 2021

Yeah, Depths of Disgust for Some Kinds of "Science."

As I've been continuing to watcdh the film about dating the Exodus and related Biblical history by the archaeology of Egypt, a wave of disgust for "science" has been engulfing me. I'm supposed to respect this "science?" One after another of these highly regarded scholars and archaeologists flatly give their educated opinion that this or that archeologically determined event that so nicely matches this or that part of the Biblical account simply has nothing to do with the Biblical account. They may try to rationalize the opinion in other ways as the interview proceeds but in tghe end the filmmaker gets them all to admit that their opinion comes down to the one reason, that it is the established conventionally accepted chronology that makes it impossible. There is no evidence of any of the Biblical narrative at the time convenationally established for those events, therefore they did not happen, the Bible is a piece of fiction and the fact that so much of it IS demonstrated by archaeological and documentary evidence from a time a few centuries earlier is just thrown out. Didn't happen when they expect it to happen, therefore even though so much of it DID happen exactly as described in the Bible at a different time it cannot be those Biblical events.

I'm trying to be forgiving, trying to be understanding. This is a fallen world after all, and nevertheless surely these are great investigators, great scientists who are honest as well as expert. I accept that, of course they are honest as well as careful scientists, their findings for the most part are highly trustworthy as far as I can tell. But when one after another flatly denies what the film has shown to be such a dramatic correspondence between the Biblical accounts and the evidence the scientists themselves have brought to light, I am overcome with disgust. A cavalier overthrowing of the Bible which had been known to be historical fact for millennia deserves that disgust. It is the Bible that should be the standard, not the cogitations of fallen humanity. They should be ruled by the fear of God. If their dates don't line up with the Bible they should be exerting all effort to figure out why and reconcile them, not just accept their own antibiblical conclusion so easily. "There is no fear of God before their eyes."

This is how we got all the Bible debunkery that's been laid on us over the last century This is how we got Darwinism. This is how we got Marx and Freud, historical Geology. This is how we got Liberal Theology and the fake Greek manuscripts Sinaiticus and vaticanus. All it seems to take is a plausible sounding "scholarly" theory and out goes the Bible. "There is no fear of God beforfe their eyes." If it overturns the Bible it makes some people happy, it makes other people unhappy but they are seduced by the reputations of "great men" nevertheless and go about trying to fit the Bible to the work of heathen. Gosh, but isn't radiometric dating just so incontrovertible you can't reject it? No, not if you know the word of God is the word of God. Anything that contradicts it is wrong, and your job is to find out how, not accept anything that contradicts it. The logic is only plausible, when you prayerfully think it through it starts to come apart. You'll start to see its flaws, you'll find facts you hadn't seen before. They stop too soon.

If you set your mind in that direction instead of capitulating to the pagan powers you will find many ways the established bodies of knowledge have failed to recognize the actual facts. The worldwide strata with their fossil contents in factg could not have formed on the interpretation of their representing time periods of millions of years. The whole intellectual edifice is impossible in the real world. It's ludicrous. I've argued this over and over and I'm not going to do it again here, just say that it's one of the many ways modern thinking deserves profound disgust.

I may buy the movie and see if I can master the facts in it. The Bible is historically true, I know that anyway, I'm just horrified to the core by how easily the devil has seduced humanity into discrediting it and creating unnecessary hurdles for people who would otherwise believe it as they should. The debunkers should be the ones on the defensive, not the Bible believers.

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