Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Saving America Part 2

Here's John MacArthur laying out the end times scenario in a recent sermon:

MacArthur has said it's all over for America, we're never going back to normal, and I've had that view myself for many years. However, I'm so impressed with Chris Pinto's latest documentary, The True Christian HIstory of America that I want to throw myself into doing whatever I can to get us back to the original Christian vision for the nation.

Although we hear that America was founded as a Christian nation, the idea is compromised by the fact that the five main founders, Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Franklin and Paine, were not genuine Christians, which Pinto himself has made clear in other films. Even if you argue that those men were steeped in Christian principles it is hard to make much of a case out of that. Then you are shown, by Pinto again, all the pagan influences in the design of our governmental buildings and the layout of the city of Washington D.C. among other antiChristian elements of American culture and it's easy to give up on the idea altogether, at least relegate the Christian influence to the pre-Constitutional era.

But in this latest film Pinto traces the intellectual framework of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution back through centuries of European, principally English, history, and shows how it all came from a biblical mindset. Yes we were founded as a Christian nation, and in the early years the population itself was also Christian.

A lack of vigilance plus the aggressive work of enemies have torn all that down. Our institutions no longer function as they wree originally designed to function. We have people in office who are actively opposed to true American principles. It's been looking like we might as well give up, we're doomed to destruction. And since the very last days do feel like they are breathing down our necks it's easy to think, well OK that's what prophecy says is going to happen. And we feel our helplessness, at least AI feel my own helplessness.

But now I think this documentary is providing us some real ammunition to fight our way back to the true America. Understanding our true origins really could be powerful ammunition. Whether there is anything we can actually do at this late date I don't know, but since I now feel less helpless because I can appreciate the case for the Christian conception of the nation I want to fight for it however that might be possible. As Pinto says we have to pray and I'm praying. I want to go on praying. I'm even fasting from time to time, what I think of as a Simple-Foods fast, not giving up food, just giving up foods I particularly like for the simplest kinds of food, cutting out sauces and most seasonings and that sort of thing. I think fasting is important when you are praying for something important, in this case for God's guidance in these perilous times with the hope of restoring the true America. Fasting opens us spiritually to hear from God. No I don't mean literally audibly, I mean understanding in our spirit

So it may well be that the Rapture is going to happen any minute and we will not be able to do anything anyway, but since we don't know when it is going to happen and it could be years, what would be more important to do with that time than this?

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