Monday, April 12, 2021

COVID Gestapo in Canada resisted by Christian pastors, Growth of Muslim Tyranny in Canada, and other Signs of the Times

What is happening is the all-out satanically inspired effort to destroy Western Civilization, which means Christian civilization, to bring in the New World Order, or the Great Reset as it is now called, a global socialist economy, totalitarian and anti-Christian to the core. This effort has many fronts, the latest one being the COVID excuse. Too many churches have capitulated to this tyranny, but there are a few that are fighting. John MacArthur's church has so far won its court cases and kept its doors open. In Canada we have Pastor James Coates of a church in Edmonton Alberta who was jailed for over a month for failure to comply with Canadian COVID laws. After he was released and of course returned to his pastoral duties, the government put up a fence around the chyurch to prevent people from entering, so they are now meeting in an "undiscloserd location," like the underground churches in Communist countries. Then there is Pastor Artur Pawlowsky of Cave of Adullam Church in Calgary Alberta who shouted down the COVID police when they invaded his church.

Chris Pinto highlights this pastor's ousting of the COVID "Nazis" in the zsecond half of his recent radio show. He also describes what is happening in Canada as the Muslims grow in power there and threaten Christian Canadians.

Here's the original video of the pastor shouting to the police to leave his church, calling them Nazis and psychopaths. Followed by a Fox News interview with the pastor. Pawlowsky gre up in Poland and remembers the Communist oppression and the Lech Walensa uprising that threw them out.:

A socialist totalitarian global government which includes or permits Sharia Law and Muslim domination, now being ushered in through the COVID pandemic, is apparently what the pagan world thinks it wants. I certainly hope more Christian churches rise up in protest at least to put it off. But when the Christians are raptured then they can have their satanically inspired dream. Biblical Christians think of this as the Great Tribulation which is the Wrath of God poured out on unbelieers after the Rapture. May many wake up before it comes.

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