Tuesday, March 16, 2021

UFO sightings

 Discussion of UFO phenomena on Jan Markell's Understanding the Times radio show, Pastor Billy Crone discusses his study of UFOs.    He thinks only a very small percentage of supposed sightings are ossibly real UFO phenomena, he mentions that the Vatican has been looking for extraterrstrial life for years, and he believes that it's demonic deception rather than anything related to extraterrestrial life.  As do I.   Apparitions of "Mary" are another demonic deception.

Millions Missing: Who’s to Blame? – Pastor Billy Crone - YouTube

Here's an old post from this blog on the subject of UFOs: 

Faith's Corner: UFOs (watchpraystand.blogspot.com)

Jan Markell's interview gets into all the particular lies promoted by all these demonic entities that need to be recognized and rejected. / Advuce: anyone who encounters an "alien" or an apparition of any kind, a "ghost" or whatnot, can make it go away bgy commanding it to leave in the name of Jesus Christ.

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