Wednesday, March 3, 2021

The Answer as Usual is No, Judgment is Picking Up Steam, Roaring Toward Us Like a Freight Train

 So it's pretty clear, isn't it, that the answer to the title question of the previous post is NO.  Oh we COULD, it's not impossible in principle, it's just impossible given the way people think these days.  Even going back to women's covering our heads in church, which is where I keep thinking it would have to start, is hardly likely, and if that is what would have to happen first none of the rest of it is going to happen.   Oh I still hope and pray for that, I'd love to be proved wrong, but the resistance to that one piece of scripture is adamant in my experience.  They got thtmselves convinced of the culture interpretation.  The author of that interpretation is a Christian of impeccable integrity.  Or they are the Pentecostals who insist on long hair but scorn the covering and do it with withering contempt for any other point of view.   And I got the accusation of "legalist" too of course.  No matter how good the credentials of those who have read it as I now do, no matter how good the reasoning in support ot it, the answer is ...   well, in my experience the answer is mockery and sarcasm.   

God could still turn the tide but it doesn't look like He wants to.   And again, if we don't return to that simple principle of male headship how can we expect to get anywhere on the subject of gay marriage, just to mention the most prominent issue.   Yes it probablly is the linch pin.  It came out of the wagon wheel and the wheel has wobbled on without it but eventually it has to fall off.   It would be SO easy to put it back in.

I like to think it's possible but I always come to the conclusion that it's not, and that means that things are just going to keep getting worse.  And it's getting so bad it's hard to see it as anything other than the looming Finale as I've described it in so many recent posts. 

What an arrogant know-it-all I am! 

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