Wednesday, March 3, 2021

COUNTERFEIT COMPASSION: The Failure of Liberal Economic Policy

Taxes -  Regulations -  Illegal Immigration   -Minimum Wage  -  Environmental Policies   

 Since I'm about as obtuse as it's possible to be about things economic, I'm surprised to find myself understanding a few things and wanting to write about them.   I guess it was the Trump Presidency and the frequent repititions I'd hear about his economic successes, from him and from conservatives, that finally made a few things make sense for the first time.  (No way I'd ever have become a billionaire.)

SO. Reducing taxes and regulations on business brought back businesses that had left the country because of high taxes, allowed those in the country to hire more employees and expand their producion and sales.  

OK so far?  

That reduced the unemployment numbers enormously, the lowest for many years, and most tellingly among minorities.   A great sucdcess one would think.  Conservative economics works, it does what the liberals say they want to do but they actually have the opposite effect,.   Their high taxes drive businesses out of the country or at least force them to cut back on hiring and expansion.  Unemployment goes up.  

There's also a big paradoxical benefit that I'd never heard before:   MORE money flows into the government through taxesw when these policies are in place than when liberal policies are in place.  Cuz the expansion of business bringing more profits means more taxes, not higher taxes, more taxes.  Golly wow, wouldn't you think the liberals would learn a lesson from this?  Why don't they?:  Why is Biden now doing the exact opposite of what Trump showed works?  

Oh I suppose they'll just say it's all a lie.  Sigh.

There are lots of reasons to want to have a protected border but one big one is that illegal immogrants take jobs away from unskilled American workers.   Something I hadn't known was that Cesar Chavez opposed illegal immigration because they took jobs from the members of his Farm Workers union.  So why do liberals want to do this to American labor?   

Another policy that kills jobs for unskilled labor is the minimum wage, so dear to the hearts of liberals.  I understood that such a law forces businesses to cut back, can even drive some out of business altogether, which isn't good for the employment statistics.  Now I've been hearing from some black pundits like Larry Elder how it deprives young blacks of entry level work opportunities, prevents them from finding unskilled work because businesses aren't going to pay such high wages for that work.  These are young people just entering the work force who don't have families to support, most living with their parents.  They need the experience of holding a job more than anything else and are now being deprived of that normal opportunity to learn in order to move up as they acquire skills and work habits.  On a recent You Tube snippet of his show Elder played an old clip of economist Milton Friedman saying that the minimum wage is the most "anti-negro policy ever" or words to that effect. 

You'd think SOME liberals would wake up, wouldn't you?  Or are their motives in fact not what they claim they are? .  

Oh and shutting down that gas pipeline.  Supposed to be better for the environment?  But it turns out it takes thousands of trucks polluting the envornment to transport the gas that had been transported more cleanly in the pipeline.   So implementing regulations they intend to be good for the environment actually increases the carbon footprint so greatly it would be laughable if it were not so painful.  I guess putting all those truck drivers to work is a tgood thing at least.  

And then they shut down our own energy production for similarly wrongheaded good intentions which means the loss of thousands of jobs and the loss of the energy independence Trump had achieved, making us dependent again on foreign oil supply.  

And all that is just NORMAL liberal economic stupidity although it is trending into the Marxist influence that is growing today on the Left..  

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