Saturday, March 20, 2021

A Book About the Giants That Were Born before the Flood

(I did something that caused the formatting of blog posts to revert to an earlier form and I don't know how to fix it and I've forgotten how to use the old form. I can't figure out how to make paragraphs so I'm going to have to use characters to create spaces. Sorry I'm getting more tech challenged every day). ***************************************************************************\ I discovered a new book about the Nephilim of Genesis 6 -- The Judgment of the Nephilim by Ryan Pitterson -- and have the Kindle version on my PC Kindle page. It's a long book and I'm only aboutg a sixth into it, and although it's white on black which helps a great deal my eyes are getting bad enough that it slows me down quite a bit. ***************************************************************************\ Anyway it's a fascinating study of a controversial biblical passage: ********************************************************
Genesis 6:1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
*********************************************************************************************************** It's controversial because it just seems so outlandish that angels and humans would have married, so some claim that "sons of God" doesn't mean angels. However, everywhere else in scripture that's exactly what the phrase means, and Pitterson's book makes use of all the relevant sources to prove it. Outlandish it may be but apparently it actually happened. ************************************************************************* Those were the years just before the Flood and the mingling of the human and angelic seed produeddyced giants, also known as the Nephilim. This is considered to be the reason God brought the Flood on the earth, because this corruption of the human gene pool made them unredeemable. The Messiah was to save human beings, not angels, so that these hybrids made the prophesied salvation impossible. By the time of Noah the corruption was widespread. *****************************************(********************************************** What's particularly fascinating about this study is how he brings out the theme of Satan's ongoing attempts to thwart the prophecy of the Messiah who was to save humanity and defeat Satan. The prophecy was first given to Adam and Eve right after the Fall. Satan had already engineered the Fall, the disobeidence of God by Adam and Eve, because according to Pitterson their being placed in the Garden of Eden usurped Satan's own place there. This was new to me. And after the Fall God promised to send a Redeemer who would save them from their sins. He would "bruise the head" of the serpent, who was Satan, and Satan would bruise His heel. This being a threat to Satan he set out to find a way to make the prophecy unfulfillable. **************************************(**************************************************** His first effort was to corrupt Cain so that as the firstborn son of Adam and Eve he couldn't be the sinless Messiah. When Cain murdered Abel the second candidate for Messiah was out of the way. ****************************** But Adam and Eve kept producing children, and so did Cain in his new location east of Eden. This required a new strategy, so Satan provoked the angels called the Watchers to lust after human women. Creating unredeemable babies would have thwarted the plan of redemption if it spread through the entire human race. *********************************************************************************************************** I hope I have that much right. We know of some later attempts to thwart the messianic promise when Pharoah was provoked to have the firstborn sons of the Israelites killed, and then when the Messiah was born in Bethlehem Herod did the same. ******************************************************************************************** But the book is no doubt going to get far more detailed and interesting in its exploration of the time of the giants, and how it relates to us today since we are very close to Jesus' prophecy of the repeat of the "days of Noah" just before His return.

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