Friday, February 5, 2021

Yeah, well that moratorium on politics lasted about, what? eight hours or so. Sigh So what is it REALLY all about: The hiddenest conspiracy of them all.

I try to keep up my courage in the face of the constant threat of censorship and other forms of silencing of people with my mental bent, but I have to admit it's getting pretty scary.  And of course it's pooh-poohed by lots of people I talk to so one does end up alone with these things.   There are some topics that at first seem best kept under wraps, but then I end up deciding that's really the path of cowardice so I write about them anyway.   Oh there are lots of "controversial" ones these days, the whole litany of political correctness taboos being a fairly comprehensive  list of land mines you can step on with the most innocent comments.  Now we can't talk about the very great possibility of election fraud, oh no no no, the idea is "baseless" according to all the media accounts that should be neutral but of course aren't.   I'm always surprised when liberal friends and acquaintances don't immediately agree that such censorship is anti-American but I guess I'm just naive that way.  Over and over I expect a sane voice to agree with me and none does.  I HAVE found some sane liberal voices online though and I'm happy about that, but they aren't my own personal acquaintances.  

Oh well , I'm in such an isolated Blogger backwater these days I don't threaten anyone anyway, and that fact does at least permit me to say whatever I want, even if I do have to hold my breath to say it.  On Facebook or Twitter I couldn't get away with saying some things I say here.   I do hold my breath every time I write a "constroversial" post though.   And here comes another one.

Chris Pinto.  He's got his own website, he's not dependent on Big Tech to the extent I am.  Probably more than I know however.  The servers themselves are owned by the forces of darkness these days.  They pulled them out from under Parler after all.    We've all got to toe the Leftist line or else.  That's the rules.  Whaever they call "misinformation" has to be silenced among other things.  

So today's Noise of Thunder radio is about how today's American politics are a version of the 1605 Gunpowder Plot to blow up the British Parliament and kill King James 1.   It was engineered by Jesuits who are dedicated to destroying Protestant nations wherever they exist, and Pinto says he thinks that's the case with the ousting of Trump and the installation of Biden.   He ticked off a long list of Jesuit-influenced people in the Trump administration who have been working against him from the beginning, also his own appointees to the Supreme Court among other things.  Of al the conspiracies that we can identify these days this one is the most unsuspected, the most hidden and yet very likely at the very root of them all.   Most Christians don't have a clue about these things and someone like Trump would be easily deceived by them.   Certainly this one gets a lot of eye-rolling and energetic pooh-poohing, especially by secularists who blindly assume all religions are pretty much the same.

Ah well.  He makes a good case that we just experienced our own Gunpowder Plot or Guy Fawkes Day.  He goes into the ecumenical position of Rome in embracing all religions and how bringing Muslims into the West is their doing.  All this of course fits with my argument that a Pope, mostly likely Francis himself though the time is getting short, is to be the final Antichrist of the Great Tribulation period.  Also known as the Day of the LORD.  

See, what the unbelieving world doesn't know and has to treat as false is that historiy is all about God's plan of redemption  through Jesus Christ AND about His plan to punish Satan and his followers, which is what the Day of the LORD is all about.  You do't want to be on Satan's side and go through that, take my word for it.  But getting anyone to take my word for anything is a crazy daydream of my own.   Ah well.    

Oh, neearly forgot, he shows that there are plans in the works to justify and reinstate SLAVERY as a fine institution, especially since Mohammed practiced it.  Oh and rape too.  Such wonderful Progressove policies are developing in our world.  Like rolling back the gains made on behalf of women by trating biological men who want to be women as really women so they can compete in women's sports.  If you are intimidated into tolerating such idiocies please wake up.

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