Thursday, February 4, 2021

HOW THEY GOT TRUMP SO ABSOLUTELY WRONG. Good Analyses of the Anti-Racist Craziness Marred by Trump Derangement Syndrome

I really like a lot of these black "public intellectuals" I recently discovered through Bret Weinstein's "Roundtable" discussion.  Bret Weinstein's DarkHorse Podcast - Black Intellectual Roundtable - YouTube      They are true thinkers and do a good job of analyzing the "Anti-Racist" insanities.   But when it comes to Trump, with few exceptions they are irrational Trump Haters.  I watched a discussion between Glenn Loury and Coleman Hughes about race that was really good and illuminating.  Coleman Hughes on The Problem of Race with Glenn Loury [Bonus Episode] - YouTube

Then I watched a discussion between Loury and John McWhorter in which Loury did a great job of defending Trump's policies and then caved on a point of Trump's character.  Then I watched a discussion between Coleman Hughes and Andrew Sullivan in which they tear Trump apart.  

Why did you cave, Glenn Loury?  Trump's threat to democracy | Glenn Loury & John McWhorter | The Glenn Show - YouTube   Glenn Loury has generally done a fine job of defending the policies of Donald Trump and countering the attacks on Trump as a personality as mostly irrelevant in the context of his policies.  Now he capitulates with a "mea culpa" because he thinks Trump shouldn't have been contesting the election outcome as he did, that "a bigger man" would simply have stepped down.  Because of this, and apparently only this, he now agrees with some of his opponents that character has been a bigger factor in the Trump presidency than he's admitted.   He mentions a book by a NeverTrumper that apparently contributed to his change of view, that persuaded him of the great importance of character in the Presidency.  

Which of coursre makes me gag.  Who are you putting above Trump in that category?  Biden?  Gag.  Hillary?  Gaggity gag.  Obama, yeah gag even to the superficially clean Obama.  Bill Clinton?  Gabbity gaggity gag gag gag.  What on EARTH can it mean to criticize Trump when this is the company he must be judged by?  You've lost your compass, Loury.

But his character is now the big issue because of his challenging the election results?  Golly Gosh, didn't Gore challenge and ghallenge and challenge the election results against Bush?  But that wasn't a character flaw.  In that context we aren't talking about how a "bigger man" would have stepped down?  What?

And of course supposedly Trump didn't have enough evidence to make his claim.  (Gore did?  "Hanging chads?")  But in fact there was so much "irregularity" that points to election fraud in many big blue cities it's a mere technicality to say he has no "evidence."  Hundreds of witnesses signed affidavits testifying to many different kinds of fraud they personally witnessed, some of it pretty small and local such as running the same ballot through the tallying machine many times, but some of it pretty big, such as truckloads of ballots showing up to be counted in the dead of night.  And dozens of other "irreguarities" besides.  Starting with the last-minute changes to the rules for voting that opened up the possibility of vast fraud.  AND the fact that the voting machines were capable of being programmed to switch votes from one candidate to another.  LOTS and LOTS of reason to take Trump's claim seriously.

I also want to object again to the characterization of Trump as out only for his own interests.  .Which in the case of a self-made billionaire is about as wacko as it gets.  People who have known him for years have said he'd often talked of running for President BECAUSE HE CARED ABOUT THE COUNTRY.   This same theme came across in the Republican Convention last summer too.   This idea that he would fight the election results for some egocentric reason so misjudges the man it makes me cry.  He's no paragon but one thing I know, as do his supporters in general, he was working for the good of the nation AND NOT FOR HIMSELF, and he did an enormous lot of good during his few years even in the teeth of constant obstruction and endless fraudulent attempts to bring him down.   Losing the election wasn't just his loss it was the nation's loss and boy do we feel that loss acutely as we watch the Democrat rolling back all the good that Trump did.   Maybe we can't prove it yet but I'm convinced that eventually it will be proved that the election was rigged and that Biden is in fact the bogus President they kept falsely saying Trump was.

Then I heard some of Coleman Hughes talking with Andrew Sullivan about Trump, in which they dissect his personality so viciously it's like a punch in the stomach.  I guess I'[ll never get it,  I'll never be able to coimprehend how they are reading him.    .The End of Trump with Andrew Sullivan (Ep.18) - YouTube

McWhorter found it hard to believe that Loury didn't see Trump as the venal narcissist he hallucinates in him.   His detractors see him as a threat to democracy, a threat to the Constitution.  This is astonishing.  His supporters see him as the complete opposite, the savior of the Republic (not really a democracy) and the Constitution, against the Left which is the real agent of destruction of everything American.  Making America Great Again means at least strengthening and preserving America's foundations.  How is it McWhorter and Hughes and Sullivan can see him as the opposite?  How?  Hughes said at first he thought Trump really could be a Hitler.  Then he realized he was not a Hitler, he was a "different kind of "a-hole."  What are they seeing?    Sulliivan gives a clue when he says he realized that Trump isn't the kind of authoritarian who seeks to control others since he was mostly objecting to interferences with his work.  To Sullivan he was attacking the Constitution by asserting his right to be left alone to do his job as if that meant he was bent on doing whatever he pleased with no concern whatever for the Constitutional restraints on him.  This is mindboggling to someone who knows he was objecting to the incessant UNCONSTITUTIONAL obsturctions and intereferences with his CONSTITUTIONALLY DEFINED ROLE AS PRESIDENT.  He was objecting to that interference and gets seen as the one doing the obstruction and the interfer\ing.   What a diaboligical situation he was in.  And his opponents just go right on with their blind misreading of everything that was happening and their own antiConstitutional assaults oln the man who was just tryinjg to do the job he was elected to do.  So Sullivan has generously exonerated Trump of being a fascist/authoritarian, now interpreting him as merely an unethical narcissistic personality. At least he has the grace to wonder if he got it right.  But in rushes Hughes to assure him that he did, that Trump is just so selfish he can't even have an evil vision  for the country.  

I've got to emphasize this because I'm realizing it's at the core of the political divide concerning Trump.   Hughes says Trump is so selfish he can't even have an evil vision for the country because all his visions are for himself.  This is the essence, the core of how theyh misread Trump.  I may never get what it is in their heads that leads them there but it's become clear to me that they go wrong somewhere in here.   This is staggering.  Absolutely staggering.   But it how the Left tends to see him.  And the got it exactly precisely backwards.  It was ALL for the country, all of it.  NOT FOR HIMSELF.  When he kept emphasizing his accomplishemtns IT WAS BECAUSE THEY KEPT DENIGRATING THEM OR IGNORING THEM, IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH HIMSLEF, IT WAS ALL ABOUT WHAT HE WAS TRYING TO DO FOR THE COUNTRY.  ALL Of IT.  They hallucinate narcissism in the very things he was doing FOR THE  NATIONJ.   How do they so completely misread him?  There is something wrong  with the minds of these people.  I don't get it, I can't get it, I'll never get it.  They invented the Trump they hate, it's not the real Trump.   They have a whole different set of signs and switches on the tracks in their heads than I do and than 75 million Trump supporters do.  



Way of speaking

Flagrant Selfishness

Public pronouncmenets (such as being victorious in the election.)

That's Hughes' list of Trump traits, all of which are sheer insanity from my point of view.  Again, Trump was the ANTIDOTE to tyranny, the dictatorship we saw in Obama and the Democrats in general, now the Biden administration.  The "selfishness" was nothing but his insistence on emphasizing his accomplishments in fulfilling his campaign promises.  It truly looked like he'd won the election on election night and a lot of us still think he did and that it was lost overnight becausae of fraud.  But the point is that he says these things FOR HIS SUPPORTERS because the media hat4e him and hate his supporters and he saw his job as keeping the truth alive that was being buried by the Left.   It's a crazy blindness that doesn't see this. .    

Sullivan would say similarly hateful things while yet acknowledging that some of Trump's policies are good ones he agrees with.  He objects to the racial obsession of the Left, he wants protected borders, he liked what Trump did with the economy.   All the things that Trump's voters like he also likes.  Except for his weird assessment of Trump's personality.  Four more years of Trump could have saved the nation.  Now it's all going to be destroyed.  Again.  People losing jobs, environmental measures that actually do nothing to help the environment, in fact increase the carbon footprint rather than decreasing it, and losing all the jobs Trump created, and so on and so forth.  Down to oblivion we go.  Because some people hallucinate Hilter in a true American patriot while letting the real Hitlers acquire the power to destroy the whole country.   

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