Friday, January 29, 2021

To Fight for the Nation or Not?

 Some people were terribly disappointed that Trump threw in the towel instead of fighting on against the obvious election fraud.  Some think he had an obligation to fight, an obligation before God.  I wish I knew for sure, but I tend to think that since America has been under God's judgment for years, even decades, God isn't going to stop it.   The Old Testament describes situations where leaders should have intervened to destroy the enemies of the nation and situations where the people were to accept God's judgment and not fight it.   Which situation are we in?  Did Trump wrongly or rightly throw in the towel?  

This is a question for Christians above all since nobod6y else is going to have a clue.   I sometimes feel sorry for "liberals" who think we're better off with Biden, because they certainly don't have a clue and it's going to come back to bite them hard eventually.  I'm not going to spell it out here.  Go listen to Chris Pinto's latest radio shows if you want some details.  Noise of Thunder radio that is.  It's pretty scary.  

Pinto is one who thinks Trump should have fought to preserve the nation.  I get his reasoning and I share his sentiments, but I think he's wrong.  I think we are so deep under God's judgment there is nothing we can do for the nation.  He doeswn't seem to be aware of the passages in Deuteronomy and Leviticus that spell out the curses that will result from a nation's abandonment of God.  Being overrun by foreigners is one of them.   This has been underway for decades already and as judgment proceeds can only get worse.  

What CAN we do?  I honestly don't know.  Beyond praying our hearts out of course.  Praying that God will guide us and permit us some measure of relief.   And in this context I'm not thinking so much of Christians as of the vast majority of American citizens who simply have no idea what it's all about and what's going to happen to them.  I'm scareed for you all, terribly scared for you.   Liberals and conservatives both.   Judgmdent on the nation is certain and it may well be that we are headed into the global Great Tribulation on top of it.  Not "we," since I don't expect to be here for that, but all unbelievers will go through it.  You can escape it too if you believe Jesus died to pay for your sins and give your life to Him.

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