Sunday, January 3, 2021

Will They Listen before It's Too Late?

So much of what I write here, maybe all of it really, is intended for people who don't understand much of anything about anything.  Liberals, leftists, atheists and so on.  People who will be left behind when the Church is taken off the planet in the Rapture.  Lots of people in that cateogry I happen to care a lot about.  I certainly have no power to pull off such an intention, only God can do that, but I can try to do my bit and collect the necessary information.  I'm used to being hated for it by some but I still hope for them that they'll come to the truth in the end, and even if I'm not hated by others, I'm ignored and dismissed as irrelevant, I hope the same for them.  It's frustrating that I can't convince anyone now because I don't want anyone to have to go through the Tribulation, or die and go to Hell whichever comes first.  I yearn for the Rapture but I also hate to see it come before some of those I care about wake up and get saved and don't have to go through the Tribulation.   But I don't see any signs of that happening.     

The Star of Bethlehem is full of convincing evidence but I know only too well how it can be ignored or twiisted anyway.

The Great Reset I just posted about will probably sound good to the leftists.  Makes me shudder to think.  Makes me hope and pray that everntually even they will wake up and see the truth.

Of course all the Biblical prophecy is just going to go over like a lead balloon for most of them.  Yet again I hope.

I put up that video by the young woman who couldn't take any more of the Democratic Party's craziness, but I'm afraid there will be far too many who want to argue with her.

Can they also ignore the doctors who show how lifesaving drugs have been suppressed for political and economic reasons?  Oh I suppose they can.  

It leaves me as usual yearning for the Lord to come soon.  How long Oh Lord?

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