Tuesday, January 5, 2021

An Especially Lucid Presentation of the Rapture and the Antichrist

Was drawn to watch a video titled" The Mark of the Antichrist Revealed" which wasn't about any mark of the Antichrist although it was about the Antichrist.  Mostly it was about the Rapture of the Church.  The speaker is Max Lucado who has written lots of Christian books that I wouldn'tt read because he's said things I recognize as heretical.  As often happens I don't remember what, just that I've had that impression for a long time and avoid him.  

However, this talk is very good and completely biblical.  He's a very clear communicator and he lays out the scripture prophesying the Antichrist, the nature of the Antichrist, the Tribulation period and the pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church in surprisingly clear terms, succinctly.  That's why I'm posting the link to it.  

I may be wrong but I have the strong impression that this may be the very first time he's preached on these things.  If so, maybe it's a sign that churches that seem to have been shunning end times prophecy are finally going to be catching up, just in time for the unfolding of the prophesied events..  

🅽🅴🆆 Max Lucado | The Mark of the Antichrist Revealed 🔥 MUST WATCH! - YouTube

Later:  He gives the current understanding of the Antichrist that he is an unknown at this point, also that the Holy Spirit will be taken from the earth during the Tribulation period.  I've argued against both.  The Protestant Reformers identified the Anticrhist as the Pope, all the Popes, the papacy itself.  If he's THE Antichrist then a Pope must be the final Antichrist of the Tribulation period.  There are some descriptions of this figure in prophecy that don't seem to describe a man in his eighties or the present Pope, such as his having "a fierce countenance."  However, Lucado expects him to be possessed by Satan, as Judas was, and such possession could give him the energy of a much youinger man as well as a fierce countenance.  All the rest of the description fits a Pope just fine.  (There is reason to believe that Hitler, who was certainly an antichrist figure, was himself possessed by Satan.   There are those who say that his speeches were done in a voice that wasn't his own.)

And the Pope does keep popping up in international circles.  There's a picture of him with other world leaders in Jan Markell's radio show about "The Great Reset" which I've posted below.   Since the Great Reset has all the marks of the kind of global government we can expect to be in place during the Tribulation period, one would expect its future leader to be right there among its planners.   So I'm holding on to my prediction here.  If I'm wrong I'm wrong but so far I'm convinced of it.   (As for the removal of the Holy Spirit, I doubt that just becauase people are going to be coming to Christ during the Tribulation which will be a pretty fleshly weak affair unless it's brought about by the Holy Spirit.  And the Protestant Reformers interpreted the "restrainer" who must beheremoved for the Anticrhsit to be revelaed as Caesar, since he was essentially going to replace Caesar as head of a new version of the Roman Empire, The Holy Roman Empire over which the Popes presided for about a thousand years from the official emergence of the Bishop of Rome as "Universal Bishop" in 606 AD to the Protestant Reformation.  Down the centuries many Christians had recognized the papacy as the Antichrist, as did the Protestant Reformers.  I've written about all this in various posts here. 

One more thing:  The "little horn" in the Daniel prophecy who is understood to represent this coming Antichrist is seen by Daniel to disploace three others, and the Reformers interpreted this to refer to three other bishops the Bishop of Rome displaced when he was made Universal Bishop, which position is what led so many to call him the Antichrist.  So this is one more way prophecy may have already been fulfilled that the current Pretrib point of view understands to be yet future.  Time will tell.

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