Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Klutzily Imagining the Future Life

 In the previous post I tried to say something I didn't get said very well so I deleted it and will try again though I don't think I'll do a lot better this time.  Some better at least maybe.  

Lately I find myself thinking about the future life with Christ.  I never used to think about that much, but since I got persuaded of the Pretribulation Rapture and listened to MacArthur's series on the Book of Revelation I often find myself wondering about it.  What will it be like to have a glorified body and live in the Millennium where there will still be people in their ordinary bodies?   What will the glorified body be like?  What will it be like to live in the New Jerusalem which is so unlike any earthly city it's really beyond my imagination.  

What came to mind in the previous post was who is going to be there, who we will meet, and who will form the group we are placed among.  I do think of us as being placed in groups or families though I may be wrong about the way I think about that.  What I imagine is being grouped with like-minded spirits, people we most appreciate in this life for their Christian work and t4eachings.  Large groups I suppose.  It's what I think "many mansions" must refer to,  not just the fact that we will live in "dwelling places" but that there are many different kinds of "houses" there for different groups.  There are different kinds of angels after all, so there must be different groups of people.  I was thinking how I hope I'm assigned to the house where Chris Pinto is assigned.  But that;s an awfully narrow thought since he's just one of hundreds of teachers now living as well as having lived down the previous millennia who should live in the "house" I want to be assigned to.  Or at least next door.

  Or perhaps we will all be so taken up with Christ Himself we'll hardly notice each other.  

As for who will be there and who we will meet.  Probably the ones I most want to meet are Adam and Eve. 

Beyond that I hope I get to hug a lion. 

Later:  I didn't get it said very well here either.   Finally I'm getting my own thought together and the idea is that I'm thinking we'll be grouped according to our interests and talents.   We'll have work to do there same as here though that's certainly beyond my ability to imagine.  Nevertheless it suggests that we'll have work according to our particular gifts.   Say, blogger types like me in one group, artists in another, scientists in another, legal minds in another and so on.  

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