Friday, December 4, 2020

Feed Your Head

UPDATE DEC 8    Just watched the new film about Clarence Thomas:  Created Equal:  Clarence Thomas In His Own Words.   I've seen so much good stuff by and about blacks in the last few months I feel I've taken a course in Black History and learned a lot from it.  A University Black History course wouldn't focus on the conservatives as I've been doing, of course.   This film about Clarence Thomas is a good one to follow Larry Elder's Uncle Tom.   Of course I like Thomas's Constitutionalism but now I like him as a man as well.   Poverty, racism, a strong positive influence by his uneducated grandfather, a time in a Catholic seminary training for the priesthood, followed by a time of sixties style black radicalism, all finally coming together in his immersion in the founding documents of America that now informs his work on the Supreme Court.  He's particularly effective and moving in his response to the Anital Hill attack by the way, especially if you missed it at the time of the hearings, as I did.  Good film. 

UPDATE:  Most of what I link to in the body of this posis political, but at the end I've added the most recent radio show by the Christian ministry Understanding the times radio, and here I want to add Chris Pinto's most recent radio show as well, that deals with the voter fraud as treason and the COVID vaccine at the very end:  NOTR - TREASON, TRIBUNALS & THE LUCIFER VACCINE - 12.2.20 - Show Downloads - Noise of Thunder Radio with Chris Pinto  *


Here I want to link to some resources I think just about everybody should watch, especially some people I know won't watch them.  I kind of think they will, however, if the Rapture actually occurs soon, which is a reason I want it to come soon.  The main reason, of course, is that I'm ready to leave this fallen world in which I feel so useless.   I can pray of coruse, but that's really about all I can do, and although I can and do pray I have this sinking feeling that we're on the downward slide to the End.  It's all in God's will, we are under judgment and He isn't going to stop it.  

Yes it would no doubt be a lot worse if He weren't restraining the worst, He's no doubt having mercy on us in many ways and that's in response to our prayers.  As Curtis Bowers points out in his discussion with Jan Markell which is one of the videos I link below, a sign of His mercy is how the voter fraud is being explosed, and I agree.  That God would expose the fraud and all the hidden evils is something I pray for a lot.   Nevertheless I know that this exposure is only reaching some of us and there is a total media blackout of the information on the Left.   I hate to be so pessimistic but again I have this sinking feeling.  I don't think the exposure is going to reach the ones who most need to know about it.

In spite of God's merciest I think nevertheless that the time has come, the jig is up, it's over.  If He gives us another four years of Trump that would be a wonderful mercy but the Left will only escalate its horrors if He does, it's not going to stop.  There are too many people on the side of evil who don't want it to stop and God hasn't acted to interfere with them.  Somehow they think that they are doing a good thing.  It's horrifying to consider how it's going to hit them when they finally see what they've been involved in when it's too late.  I'm glad to think, however, that it WILL hit some of them nevertheless, even when there's no way to stop the massive destruction.

Well, here are a few suggestions in the hope that they might open some eyes.

First the interview of Curtus Bowers on Jan Markell's Understanding the Times Radio.  Bowers made two films about the Marxist plot to destroy America.  They can be bought from Markell's ministry or from Amazon, and the films can be watched at Amazon for a rental fee.   Both are titled Agenda, the first subtitled Taking Down America, or something like that, I'll have to go look it up, and the second Masters of Deceit.   Here's the interview:

Game Over? – Curtis Bowers - YouTube

I also recently watched an inspiring show by Candace Owens interviewing a woman originally from Zimbabwe about how blacks are best benefitted by conservative politics, even the Republican Party, while the Democratic Party is really their enemy.

 The Candace Owens Show: Melissa Tate - YouTube\\

Hooray for black America.  Smart, sane, successful black America.   Besides the Candace Owens show I also watched the movie by Larry Elder at Amazon, titled Uncle Tom.  Great anticidote to the leftist violent race-baiting mentality.  

Lots of smart sane successful black Americans everybody should get to know.  Thomas Sowell for instance, Walter Williams, who just died, Larry Elder and Candace Owens too, Allen West, Alan Keyes, Coleman Hughes, John McWhorter, Glenn Loury, and I'm forgetting many others.  They're not all conservatives..

There's also Dinesh D'Souza's Trump Card movie at Amazon.

Added Dec 5:  Jan Markell's latest which gets at al the events that are destroying the US and heralding the Antichrist and the Rapture.   Lawlessness in the Land! – Terry James - YouTube

And I think I'll add in some others I've posted here before:

Yuri Bezmenov, former KGB officer in the USSR:  

Yuri Bezmenov - Deception Was My Job (full interview) - YouTube

=Yuri Bezmenov Full Interview & Lecture - HQ - YouTube

A note beneath the interview video says that it has been taken down as "hate speech" and was reloaded.  It may of coure be taken down again.  The powers that be don't want anyone to know about this Communnist coup that is going on in this country, they want to keep you in the dark.

And the one I've posted many times of the interview with Noraman Dodd who investigated the tax-exempt foundations such as Rockefeller and Carnegie and discovered that they have been working to promote Communism in the country:    Norman Dodd On Tax Exempt Foundations - YouTube


*  Thinking about something General MacInerney said that Pinto aired, that the voter fraud is actually treason, as is the rioting and the refusal by elected leaders to quall it.  He's right about that and I'm glad he has the courage to say it.  He goes on to give the remedy in a military tribunal to bring the traitors to justice, which also seems like the right idea, though I get this sinking feeling as usual that it's not going to happen because the forces of evil are so strong these days and have succeeded in brainwashing so many people into thinking their cause is the righteous one.   Yes, arrest the trators and bring them to justice.  Yes.  But then he goes on to mention martial law and Pinto objects to that, rightly I think.  We don't need martial law, we just need to arrest those who are guilty which is a numer of identifiable people in particular places and far from the majority in the country who certainly do not deserve to br put under martial law.  But again, the problem is the success of the propaganda.  The Left knows how to commit all the evils but accuse their opponenst of what they are doing and sway much of the public with such lies.  While the leaders of BLM must know the truth about their Marxist intentions, most of those who support them no doubt have no idea at all but really think they are supporting a righteous cause about justice for black people.  They are deprived, for instance, of all the information that would show George Floyd was not the victim of racism since whites get treated the same way, as well as the information that BLM is a Communist front organization.  So their anger gets stirred up against the wrong people and that is maybe the biggest danger at the moment.  It would be right to arrest the traitors and bring them to justice but if public opinion has been shaped by lies that would make such a right action appear to be wrong, fascist or whatever, we've already lost the battle.  

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