Saturday, November 28, 2020

Lockdown Blues sort of

 When the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?    The righteous these days are silenced.  Oh you can hear them if you want to but you have to know who they are and that's already an obstacle, and you have to go out of your way to hear them.  What hits you in the face every minute is the lies.  And unfortunatley a lot of people believe them.  

 I feel helpless, I AM helpless or at least I don't know what to do if I had the means to do it..   I watch the conservative films at Amazon but the people who need to watch them don't.  D'Souza's Trump Card, Curtis Bowers' Agenda, both films, The Plot  Against the President that just came out.   They play in the echo chamber.   

And every day I hear the latest COVID statistics and the vaccine promises that don't tell you about the side effects, and the impression is created that the hundreds of thousands that are dying are inevitable, not a word to the contrary when I know, and I know others know, that HCQ could have saved every last one of them if they'd received it in time.  Zelenko Protocol, you can find it at Eleftherios Gkioulekas Zelenko but it may go poof on you as it did on me though I found it again.  And Simone Gold   I've posted some interviews with her.  Del Bigree also did one I haven't linked.  Harvey Risch.  Knoweldgeable honest people who are being silenced.  But there must be many others.  Why aren't we hearing from them?   This is murder.  I'm happy to know that the suppressors are going to face God for it some day, and so are those who are silenced by their own cowardice.

Totalitarian control by the Left has been brewing for quite a long time but I guess we didn't expect it to appear so suddenly, so effectively shutting us all up so completely.   All the right things are said by some, you can find them, but that's all, they are said and nothing happens, and of course they are said only into the echo chamber, outside of which the lies prevail.

I don't think I've ever looked forward to death as I do now.  I'm useless here, there's no reason to stick around, the alternative is a better life in a better world in the presence of Jesus.  I'm grateful I have that faith because so many others don't, and they won't let me give it to them either.  I'd prefer to go in the Rapture.  My own personal death, even if I die happy, probably won't persuade anyone, but the Rapture might.  Of course that will be twisted by lies too.  

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