Thursday, October 29, 2020

We're Up Against a Behemoth of a Political Delusion

 Is Douglas Murray right when he says the Left is truly convinced that they are facing a real fascist threat on the right, both in the US and in Britain?.  They talk as if they are, they accuse the right of fascism all the time, but it's so delusional it's hard to take seriously.  And yet maybe they are truly that delusional, truly do believe their delusion.    

He says this at about 11:50 in this interview:

The conversation has built up to it for the last few minutes but here he's answering a question from one of the interviewers --  why this is all happening, why all the rioting and denial of the rrioting etc.  .

it's a scary thought that they could actually believe this delusion, especially since it is clearly the Left who are the fascists these days, the Antifa the equivalent of the brownshirts, the rioting a sort of endless Kristallnacht against some phantom enemy that includes everybody in the end.  It is so completely irrational, delusional, I have enormous trouble believing it, but perhaps he's right.  I have trouble understanding how the Left can hate Trump as much as they do, how they can accuse him of fasicsm and his followers of fascism, accuse him of white supremacy, it's so absurd it is tantamount to some kind of insanity that has never existed before that I've heard of.    

Even the saner liberals I've come to appreciate, such as Bret Weinstein, maintain some level of this kind of insanity about Trump, some  version of Trump Derangement Syndrome that persists in spite of his apparent clarity of thought about what is going on in Portland.   As Murray says Trump has many faults,  but fascism isn't one of them.  But the Left seems to be utterly incapable of seeing past this delusion.  If Murray is right about it of course.  And I'm afraid he probably is.

It's been a puzzle to me how anyone could have such a depth of hatred for Trump, which seems to be a hatred for his personaltiy quite apart from his policies, or at least I haven't been able to determine exactly which policies figure in it.  I have relatives who carry on as if he were the most evil person who ever existed because he appointed a pro-;life judge to the Supreme Court, although she's said clearly there are no grounds for repealing Roe v Wade.  That's just another bit of the delucional symdrome I guess, I suppose different people on the left hold different bits of it.

There are things about Trump, things he says, that make me cringe, but they are mostly unfortunate perssonality quirks to my mind, and in a way they could even be understood to be a sign of a good personality trait:  I'm thinking of the speech Melania Trump made recently on the campaign trail, I forget where, but she said she may have some disagreements with how he says certain things in his tweets but that his tweeting itself reflectgs his desire to communicate directly with the American people.  And that could certainly be understood as a good trait.  

I see it that way.  I see him overall as a genuine sincere uncomplicated patriot whose entire mission as President is exactly what he's presented it to be:  to restore America to her former greatness, by undoing the Leftist attacks on everything that made her great.  To restore the economy the left has destroyed for instance with overzealous environmentallism, driving our businesses out of the country and selling us out to our enemies such as China.  Restoring our pride in our nation's history, restoring measures to protect and defend Americans, such as closing our borders and strengthening our military.   

I suppose the deranged Left reads all that as "fascism," unfortunately, since they have no sense of history and no sense of anything sane really, about the responsibility of the goverfnment toward its people, how the government of a nation should function.

There is no doubt that there has been an enormous propaganda campaign over the last few decades, and probably farther back than that, done mostly through the universities but also through the lying media, to obliterate our honorable American history in the minds of the public and replace it with Marxism and Communism.  I've mentioned some of the methods I'm aware of such as the rewriting of history texts through the tax-exempt foundations, the teaching of Marxist dogma in the universities etc.  The entertainment industry has done a lot of the indoctrination of the public too, through propaganda-based movies and TV shows.    And besides the political indoctrination there has been a concerted undermining of morality so that we of the sixties generation gave up on marriage and practiced serial cohabitation cuz all that cultural baggage was no longer defensible, and abortion got legalized, and pornography got made into a free speech right and all that is just the tip of the iceberg of the remaking of America by the Left.  Now we are trying to dig in our heels at the very end of this transformation, or rather even disintegration, of our political institutions and our culture and hoping against hope, and praying to God, that it may not be too late to recover it.  SOME of us are, and who knows if there are enough of us left, and who knows what we are going to be faced with just around the corner.

Guess I got a bit carried away with Murray's observation of the motivation of the Left.  I'm afraid he's right though.  Things really are that deranged, half the population really are that deluded.

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