Sunday, October 4, 2020

In This Spreading Sea of Apostasy, the Bible is the Only Safe Place to Be.

The film I talked about in the previous post is part of a series titled Counterfeit Christianity and I've decided to watch the whole series starting with #1:

I expect to have a much clearer idea of the scope of the end times Apostate World Religion by the time I've finished this series.

I'd been avoiding for some time learning about the various apostasies and heresies I knew were flooding the Church, it just seemed too much to try to absorb and too much of a distraction from my own projects and Christian life. I knew there was so much deviation from the truth, which I gleaned from the teachers I trust, it is most likely why we have not had a real revival in decades and why God will likely not not give us a revival, but I didn't want to delve into the beliefs of the Emerging Church movement or the Contemplative Prayer movement or Rick Warren and other megachurch teachers.  I'd spent some time on the Word of Faith people and the Charismatics, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland and so on, but it takes a lot of work to really understand a heresy.  

For instance, until this film I had only the vaguest idea of why Rick Warren is considered to be a false teacher, but the film makes it quite clear.  Now I'm very grateful for this particular series because it's doing the job I haven't been up to doing, it promises to teach me all that without the painstaking research necessary.    I'm very grateful to Caryl Matrisciana and the many others in the film who expose the false teachers.

It's already changed my own focus.  Although I love the poetry in Tozer's Christian Book of Mystical Verse, I realize it's derivative and I need to immerse myself in the Bible instead.  I didn't expect the Bible to have the consistent focus I thought I needed to revive my Christian life, but then I realized that's a deception.  It's the Word of God.  If it's the Word of God then there's no part of it that wouldn't have the focus I need, all of it reveals God to us, every bit of it.  Nevertheless I've decided to start with the Psalms rather than the historical books,  and spend time with each of them rather than just read them through.  The Word of God is LIVING  (Hebrews 4:12) , and that means all of it.  I want it to sink down into me and impart its life to me.

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