Sunday, October 11, 2020

Globalism Galloping Along with Vaccine Tyranny and Voter Fraud Tyranny

A couple of good discussions of the globalism that is shaping up.

Globalism in the midst of Pandemic:  Eric Barger talking mostly about Bill Gates and big-money manipulation as he works to get a vaccine for COVID out.      In October of last year there was a meeting of some globalists including Gates, at which they pondered the question of how the world might deal with a pandemic of exactly the sort we now have, that got started a very short time after that meeting.  Barger mentions the suppression of Hydroxychloroquine as certainly due to its having no economic value to anyone, though it is a definite cure for COVID if used in the eqarly stages.  People are dying because big-money globalists want drugs that will cost a lot and make them a lot of money?   Barger  also talks about Gates' plans for a vaccine delivery system that would implant medical informtion under the skin of recipients, and other ways this pandemic is being used to kill our freedoms.

Also listening to a radio show on globalism in relation to the rampant voter fraud we are already seeing underway with less than a month to go before the election.  This is the subject of Jan Markell's Understanding the Times radio interview with Michele Bachmann on Saturday

Unexpected connection: I was listening to J Vernon McGee (1904 -1988) on the Song of Songs at Blue Letter Bible, and wanting to know more about him I found the following paragraph about his preaching in his bio at Wikipedia:.

...he often spoke of the days of societal apostasy in Christianity and secularism that he believed he was witnessing during his lifetime, warning that spiritual apostasy was always the first of the three stages leading to the fall of nations, commonly observed throughout the Bible, the second and third being, respectively, immorality and political anarchy.

This is scarily true, and we seem now to be entering the phase of political anarchy.  It starts with the breakdown of doctrine in the churches and that started about a century ago in America, another half century or more before that in Germany's theological schools.   That was the trend of liberalism that took over the mainline denominations early in the 20th century, that J Gresham Machem famously fought against.  Spurgeon was already attacking it in England some decades before that.  The immorality phase burst into bloom starting around the sixties, has been growing ever since, and now another half century later we're seeing the fruit of total social breakdown in some of our big cities.  In our case today the consequence is most likely to be the absorption of the nation into the end times global monstrosity unless we undergo a major repentance and reformation.   We don't seem to have the will for that though, the will we need to counteract this trend, which in itself is no doubt a consequence of the judgment of God we're under.   If God in His mercy allows us to have Trump for another four years, although the bombardment by the forces of evil will probably escalate, at least maybe the worst of the worst will be postponed.  

Or perhaps the Rapture will occur and the forces of evil won't have much to fight with the Church out of the way, so the Global government, economy and religion can fall into place with less resistance.  

Meanwhile, McGee's sermon on the Song of Songs is inspiring and I want to spend more time pursuing these things.  He answers the "carnal" interpreters of this book early on and treats it as the love relationship between Jesus and His Church.

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