Friday, September 25, 2020

Trump is the real Democratic Party we used to know; Hillsdale College could teach us true American History; and HCQ should be saving lives

 I only got to hear a few snippets of Rush Limbaugh's show this morning but it was enough to produce three gold nuggets to mention here.    Nuggets of perspective that could get America back on track if enough people lerned from them.

Realized that two of them came from callers to the show.  Of course Rush himself is full of good stuff but oh well in this case it happened to be incidental things.

And the third was just an ad for Hillsdale College which is offering free online video courses on American history.  I think if enough Americans imersed ourselves in those it could go a long way to bringing us back to the America we were meant to be.

that's one nugget.  The second was the caller who said she'd been a Democrawt until she realized that the old Democratic Party is no longer what it was but that Trump is really that old Democratic Party.  She's right.  Trump is the real Democratic Party.  Now if only so many misguided Democrats recognized that fact.

And nugget three was the caller who was lamenting the bad press heaped on the drug Hydroxychloroquine since if used in the right dose at the onset of COVIC it is as good as a cure for it.  The bad press has come from a  few really stupid studies of the drug's MISUSE, in the wrong dose at the wrong time with patients already dying of conditions other than COVID.  But if it's used at the right time, in the right dose with Zithromax and Zinc it even saves the lives of people with these co-morbid conditions.   I've posted information on this earlier.

So people are dying who don't have to die because this drug has been buried under propaganda through studies that may have been politically motivated in the first place, since they were so bad they shouldn't even have been published.   

More of the story:  Democrats realize where your Party really is these days and leave thtqa anti-American Marxist-Communist monstrosity the other one has become;  Democrts, Republicans and everybody else:  sign up for the Hillsdale course which you can take at your convenience; and everybody make sure you have a source of HCQ with Zithromax and Zinc lined up in case you get COVID.

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