Monday, August 24, 2020

End times ponderings

 "All things work together for good to those who love God and are the called according to His purposes."  Romans something :28, please forgive my memory problem (and my eyesight problem which overlooks too many typos and makes looking things up difficult.)   That scripture verse is very reassuring at times when I feel that nothing I do has any value, that all my writing here is a big waste of time.  Somehow it encourages me to keep doing it, maybe God has plans for it I don't know about.  My main daydream is that the Rapture will come soon and that many people I know will not be in it will nevertheless be able to use some of the information I've written here to become Christians during the ensuing time of Tribulation.   

I'm still persuaded of the eschatological scenario I've been sketching out here, 98% or so anyway.  If it's right I hope it will orient others to a useful idea of what to expect over the next seven years.   There are plenty of other sources that are more thorough that I also point to.   There are important points I haven't discussed, which I expected to get from John MacArthur's study of Revelation eventually , especially about the length of time that is clearly spelled out in the book of Daniel, but MacArhtur's study seems to have been taken down from Utube.  It's probably at his Grace to You website so if I can I'll listen and link.   

The daydream involves a few people who would probably eventually gravitate to my blogs, and if they turn out to be useful, drawing others to them as well.   The only reason they'd come here is that they know me though there are plenty of better sources of Christian truth.  I hope to point them to those, they aren't likely to go there first.  God could certainly lead them wherever He desires so I know my contribution isn't necessary, I just hope it's useful.   During the Tribulation who knows what internet sources of Christian teaching might remain, and for how long?  The Christians who maintain them will be gone after all, though I suppose there will be some who thought they were Christians and disovered they weren't who would repent and become keepers of such information.  And then there will also be the 144,000 Jewish evangelists who will reach out to everybody all over the world, if that interpretation of Revelation 7 is correct.  I pray for all of those I think of to be saved, and if there is any possible refuge for them during that time that God will provide it.  Above all they are going to need courage.

I wonder if anything of the political situation will continue into the Tribulation period.   Will America have become part of the global government, everybody under a Communist tyranny with the Antichrist presenting himself as the source of peace and safety?  At a price of course, such as taking the Mark of the Beast.  If the pandemic continues I hope and pray that HCQ will become available to any who get the virus.   But this of course assumes it's all coming very soon.  Yes I do believe that.  How soon?  A few years at most I'd suppose.   And of course I could be wrong.  

May add to this later.

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