Friday, August 7, 2020

Chris Pinto Finds the Jesuits Behind it All and Closer We Get Every Day.

 Long time since I listened to Chris Pinto's Noise of Thunder Radio Show.  It got so depressing hearing about so much evil brewing behind the scenes in this world that nobody is effectively putting down I had to stop listening.  But now everything is depressing in that same way anyway.  The rioting is just going on without any effective countermeasures.  BLM is still getting away with calling itself a civil rights movement for blacks when it is nothing of the sort, it's revolution to destroy America.  

Well I listened to one of Chris Pinto's latest shows and that's what he's saying.  Nice to know I'm on the same page with him in general although as usual he's collected tons of evidence for it.  The one I just heard is The Jesuits, the BLM and the Gunpowder Plot Against America;

Here's the link to the page:

And here's the link to the radio show:

What Chris Pinto brings to the fore that nobody else I know does is the role of the Jesuits and the Catholic Church in general behind Marxist movements like BLM.    The Marxist Plot to Overthrow America is another recent radio show.  That much I say myself, but he tracks it to the Jesuits.  I do have some posts on the Jesuits scattered through this blog and on the Catholicism blog but Pinto is the one to go to for the whole picture.  

It's all about the neverending plot to take down Protestantism and reinstate Catholic dominance in the world such as they had before the Reformation.  

I don't think he says anyhthing specifically related to the Pre-Tribulation Rapture scenario, in fact I think he rejects that idea.  He's called himself a historicist at times.  

UPDATE:   At the end of this paragraph I post a link to this page of recent Noise of Thunder programs covers quite a long ist and I see I have some catching-up to do.  Just reading through the program descriptions I see he's particularly up on the political implications of the Coronavirus and the idea of mass vaccinations.   I had to laugh when I saw that he identifies Fauci as educated by Jesuits -- because that's what he's so good at, that very sort of connection that isn't obvious on the surface or even reported in biographies.  Them Jesuits they got their fingers in every political and social and educational treason.   He also refers to the Pope as the Antichrist, based on the Reformers' biblical understanding, which he always does (I got that view from him as I've said), and he puts it all in the prophetic perspective, but nevertheless he doesn't seem to see it quite in the Pre-Tribulation framework as I've come to see it.  He's on top of the political meaning of the rioting as a Communist takeover, and earlier in the list he has a show all about the curse of Liberalism.   /UPDATE

Though I'm not sure how he sees the end times shaping up, i take his information as another confirmation and contribution to my own view that it's very very close, the Rapture followed by the Day of the LORD or the Great Tribulation by which God will judge the world, and that Pope Francis is to be the final Antichrist who presides over the global political and religious empire that will rise to power in that time, though it is already in nascent form.  Francis is already acting like the ruler of the world going around telling nations what to do and making agreements with them, the Vatican is a political entity, a nation state, and the Roman Catholic Church is spread throughout the world.  With the disappearance of the true Church it wouldn't take much for him to be elevated to world Potentate and for all the RCC dreams to come true.

Hello Inquisition on Steroids. 


Later:  Listening to the one titled "The Radical Leftist Agenda.."  Oh you poor naive liberals.  What you don't know about the political position you hold. 

Here's the one titled The Marxist Takeover of America:

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