Friday, July 17, 2020

So is the Left going to destroy America or will we squeak by for another few years or what?

Watched the Netflix movie "Trumbo," which is about the McCarthy era when Communists in Hollywood were blacklisted for it through Senator McCathy's House Committee on Unamerican Activities hearings. 

The movie is of course sympthetic to Trumbo and all those who were blacklisted and I don't want to suggest that there was anything good about that blacklisting.  But at the same time we now have a nation that is on the verge of being destroyed by the Left, by Marxism, by Communism, and the way the McCarthy era played out no doubt has a lot to do with that.   McCarthy was right about Communists in Hollywood and it is certainly true that Communism is unAmerican, actually AntiAmerican but the problem is that so many of us don't know what's wrong with Communism and how it is such a danger to the nation.

The movie presented the Communists as idealists full of compassion for the downtrodden implying that there is something heartless about the American system that needs to be rectified by Commyunism.  Nowhere in the film was the difference between Communism and the American system even mentioned, let alone discussed.  The character Trumbo seems to consider his Communist belief to be completely American, and his opponents, such as Hedda Hopper, are of course depicted as unlikable people, and none of them ever has anything substantive to say about why they are so adamantly opposed to the Communists.  Just a lot of pattriotic-sounding hot air.   All you'll get from this movie is leftist propaganda you'll learn nothng about the reality of the conflict it's about./

We go on in that same ignorance even today as we are now faced with an election that pits the American system against Communism in such a direct way the contrast is inescapable.  It's never been spelled out so clearly before.  Would the American voters actually choose Communism given such a stark contrast?  I don't know.  It'[s sad to think that many might reject Trump based only on disliking his personality, with no idea that they would be choosing the demise of the country itself.

The problem in the era of McCarthy was that there was no real discussion of why Communism is such a danger, at least that I recall, and I don't think many understand it today either.   The blacklisting in Hollywood didn't make the issues clear to anyone, it caused severe suffering for many people who felt it was completely undeserved.  Those who considered their Communist affiliation to be an expresion of compassion never got challenged about it, and blacklisting only made them bitter.

So th4e blacklisting was finallyl condemned and we never did get the education we needed on these things.  McCarthyism is now a dirty word and.  We aren't getting any better understaing now either.   I hear some good discussions of it on conservative talk radio but those discussions never get a public airing.  Sean Hannity just wrote a book that may address the issues to some extent, and Mark Levin has written many such books and talks about it a great deqal on his talk show, but the people who need to hear it aren't listening.

If the Left wins it will be because of this ignorqance, but if it wins there will be no way ever to return to the real America.

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