Thursday, July 30, 2020

Hydroxychloroquine: Another Victim of Fake News and Political Suppression

There were two studies, actually three I think, done earlier this year that purpoted to show that the drug was either harmful or ineffective or both.   Both studies were based on bad science and one of them had to be pulled from the prestigious journal that had published it without careful review.  

Better studies have been coming out, such as the Henry Ford study:   .  \

 Here's onet by Dr. Harvey A. Risch of the Yale School of Public Health:
The Key to Defeating COVID-19 Already Exists:  We Just Need to Start Using It
.  But the first thing that needs to be said is that the drug has been used for 65 years for malaria and lupus, entirely safely for hundreds of thousands of patients.    Dr. Daniel Wallace has treated lupus patients for decades with no problems.   Dr. Raoul Didier has had positive results with 4000 COVID-19 patients, saying only 20 didn't do well. And clinical experience of many MDs with the COVID-19 virus has been very positive.  If it is used early in the disease in the right dose, and especially with azithromycin and zinc it retards the growth of the virus in the cells.

The bogus study done by the VA a few months ago was based on using it with people who had serious conditions besides the virus and it was used late in their infection with the virus.  Such a study should not ever have been published and along with another similar bogus tudy it has done nothing but poison people's minds against a therapeutic drug that could be a powerful help against this virus.

Anyway, Hydroxychloroquine has a solid reputation with a great many MDs for its effectiveness against the COVID-19 virus.  We need an effective antidote to the poisoning of the public mind against it, but since the Left dominates every form of public information that's a tall order.  Golly gosh, here we are in the  USSRA lready, hey?
* Here's the Gold-Wohlgelernter video again:
Added 10/19   The discussion of Hydroxychloroquine starts about 13:00.    She discusses how three prestigious journals published faulty studies and then had to retract them.  The New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, and the Journal of the American Medical Association.   The JAMA study was done in Brazil using not Hydroxychlorowuine but Chloroquine, a precursor to HCQ that has a known lethal dosage limit which was exceeeded with many of the patients in that study.  About 24:45 Dr. Gold starts talking about the VA study and how it went wrong in the first place by studying people in the late stages of the virus, that HCQ especially with zinc, works best in the vert early stage to prevent the virus from replicating in the cells, but that later there is too much viral load in the body, with a high inflammatory condition and organ failure as the immune system overreacts, and it's too late for the drug to do any good.  So of course people died in that study.

And here's a segment of a pocast by Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying in which they discuss the Yale study of the drug among other things related to the virus.   They are liberals who definitely dislike Trump, but they are good at exposing the politicization of this pandemic as well as other things going on these days.


OCTOBER 19 added:  In the first three minutes Levin covers the basics.  Quoted one virologist  who said there have been 53 studies showing the benefits of HCQ for COVID, which we need to know more about, and only 14 with a negative conclusion, which were badly done as science.

More news from 9/4          Dr. Simone Gold who was fired from her job after the video I posted above:

Another update:   Update from a few weeks ago:  Interview of Twila Blase, RN, who runs the Citizens Council for Health Freedom, on a Christian radio program, Stand In the Gap:

The discussion of HCQ begins about 13:20 and i've put the counter there but don't know if it will hold.  Before that they discussed masks and went on after it to other issues involving COVID- 19.

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