Saturday, June 6, 2020

How long Lord?

How bad does it have to get before Jesus comes to get us?   It's pretty bad already, to the point that I fear for my family and friends.  Law and order have broken down, they are even directly under assault by elected officials, so criminals are given free rein and that has to destroy the whole nation if it continues.   And there doesn't seem to be any sign of anything coming along to stop it.

It seems selfish to want to escape it knowing that others will be left to suffer terribly in this hateful environment.  If there were any hope at all of changing it that's what we should be doing, but there is very little hope of that sort.  Might as well say hone.  The irrational ones have the upper hand and they just shout us down and marginalize us.  If Trump doesn't win the election the deterioration of all civility is scary to think about but it would continue in any case because they are driven by an animus that is nothing short of satanic.

When the Rapture begins there will be only seven years following it before Jesus returns to rule the Earth.  Many will be converted to Him durintg those seven years but many of those will be martyred for their faith.  They will live forever though so I have to hope and pray for the courage to face that reality, for all those friends and family who have to go through the seven-year Tribulation period.

It must be close, I can only hope it's close, because I don't see any way at all to bring sanity back to this world as it is now.  Nobody can wish the horrors of the Tribulation on anyone, that's not the point here, the point is that the sooner it comes the sooner all this escalating evil will finally have an end to it.

How long, Lord?  How long?

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