Saturday, June 13, 2020

A Brief Explanation of Why the Rioting is not about injustice but is the imposition of Marxism.

I just want to give a brief sketch of the Marxist ideology that is the real foundation of Black Lives Matter.  I realize it needs more evidence than I'm up to providing but I should at least give a hint.  

Someone read the Black Lives Matter website over the radio recently, which is full of Marxist terminology, like "collective" and even "comrade."  There is no doubt that this and probably Antifa as well are expressions of Marxism which is an ideology that couldn't be more opposed to the principles of the American Constitution.  

It isn't about black lives as such, which is easy enough to see just in the fact that it's only a few black men arrested for petty crimes that inspired it while black policemen who have died trying to enforce the law are not included.  And it isn't about injustice either since the murder of George Floyd got the policeman charged with murder and others with aiding and abetting him.   The others like Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin died while trying to harm the policeman arresting them.  So it isn't about injustice.   What it's really about is the revolutionary aims of Marxist/Communism that got quite a kickstart in the sixties and has continued through the universities ever since as sixties Marxists became university professors.   They go out an preach the false idea of injustice and encourage the tearing down of society in its name to people who are ignorant of American history.  

You can feel the Marxist totalitarianism even in Political Correctness which aims to control people's speech, intimidate everybody into silence.  This sort of anti-freedom is really the hallmark of all Marxist-inspired movem3ents.  It started as a shaming indignation against those who refuse to accept the ideology, then escalated to getting people fired from jobs who don't toe the party line, and now we see it tearing down the whole society it defines as contrary to its utopian vision.  By one means or another it enforces conformity to whatever they decree is necessary to their utopian concept.   And destroying the culture it defines as the oppressor is a big part of the plan.  There is no respect whatever for other human beings who disagree with them, none whatever, they are to be eliminated in one way or another.

Utopias themselves are totalitarian.  Human beings are flawed and diverse and the American Constitution allows for a society of flawed people in a way that prevents any one ideology from dominating others.  Marxism is an ideology that refuses to tolerate anything that it doesn't approve which means it must intimidate dissenters, imprison them and murder them to enforce its vision.  Rioting and arson are just an expression of the same violence to impose their will on everybody else.  It is absolutely anti-freedom, anti all the freedoms that are supposed to be protected by our Constitution.  Get enough screaming rioting looting violent revolutionaries together with the self-serving ideology that has been  incubating for decades in our universities and they will just overthrow our Constitutional freedoms by force.   

Marxism must control everyone, freedom to be oneself is impossible.    You see this in every Communist regime because you can't have your utopia unless you force people to accept it.  It is sad to see this happening in our wonderful bastion of freedoms that is, or was, America.  

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