Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Brussels: Soon-coming Capital of the Islamic State of Europe

The Political Correctness that us the real reason for the jihadist attacks in Europe is pretty depressing.  Makes me want to grab the leftists by the shoulders and shake them until the craziness in their brains falls out.

But I know only too well that their craziness is part of God's judgment.   Until Europe turns back to God it will stay solidly planted in those brains.

There's a picture of the wreckage in Brussels at the top of today's Front Page article on the attack, Isis Takes the Capital of the European Union, and the expression on the face of the man facing the camera suggests to me the hopelessness of it all.  I'm probably projecting but they must know the situation is hopeless because they must know that this wouldn't be happening if it weren't for the leftist politics that controls Europe.  They HAVE to know that at some level.  But they are enslaved to it, they can't get rid of it, because that would be "racist" or "Islamophobic."

It had escaped me yesterday that Brussels is the Capital of the European Union, but how very ... prophetic.  The article points out that the Muslim population of Brussels is almost a quarter of the total, some 300,000, and that they'll likely be the majority in only 14 years. 

What's their answer to this?  Hey, it's "more diversity:"

It makes for some pretty ghoulish irony:
Last year during the European Parliament elections, Brussels became the site of the first terrorist attack by a returning ISIS fighter. The target was the Jewish Museum of Belgium. The Mayor of Brussels said that more diversity was the answer. Next year, Jihadists operating partly out of Brussels carried out a massacre of 130 people in Paris while shouting “Allahu Akbar” at each killing spree.

The dead included French, Belgians, Mexicans, Germans, Portuguese, Romanians and Chileans.

The killers were all Muslims.

That is what diversity looks like now. 
The usual explanations have failed of course, since they're all based on a denial of reality required by Political Correctness:
This is not a social problem. It is a supremacist problem.

Muslim terrorism is not caused by despair, but by hope. A Muslim suicide bomber does not die out of hopelessness, but because he hopes to impose Islam and earn 72 virgins in paradise. He shouts “Allahu Akbar”, proclaiming the supremacy of his Islamic religion over Christianity, Judaism and all the rest, as he kills his victims because he believes that a different Europe is possible. An Islamic Europe.

The latest terror attack in Brussels has been called “an attack on all of Europe.” But it’s Brussels, with the insistence on open borders and open migrant policies, that is the real attack on all of Europe.

Muslim immigration is its outcome. Muslim terrorism is the outcome of Muslim immigration.

...Brussels is where Europe’s future died. It is the first real outpost of the Islamic State in Europe. It shows us Europe’s terrible future if the invasion does not end.

...Take in the sight of broken glass and bloodied bodies, frightened families fleeing through the smoke, faces covered in ash, and remember that this is the outcome of the progressive vision for Europe.

This is reality intruding into the fantasies of immigration and integration where a new multicultural Europe shines forth as a beacon from Brussels to show us a better world. These people died so that you would know the truth. They were not the first and they will not be the last.

If we do not want to end up the same way, we must end Islamic immigration before it ends us.
(my emphasis)
Sadly, the same mentality that rules in Europe is doing its tyrannical best to bring about the same destruction here. The voices condemning Trump and shutting down his rallies are the same forces that are destroying Europe. Try to tell leftists about any of this and you find out very soon that they are quite willing to drop all pretense to civility and murder you with words.  It is truly an ironclad delusion.

I'm hoping Trump's willingness to shout back will prevail, but that depends on how far gone we are under God's heavy hand of judgment.
Practicing Muslims outnumber practicing Christians in Brussels. 
They need to wake up and pray like they've never prayed before.

And so do we.

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