Monday, January 9, 2012

Interesting radio interview of a professor about his testimony to be repeated today at 9:30PM Pacific

Heard a wonderful interview on local Christian radio with a Welsh pastor and seminary professor about a blog piece he wrote describing his conversion to Christ forty years ago. Wonderful testimony. I identified completely. Out of nowhere, out of a completely nonChristian life, a complete ignorance of Christianity, God found him through a book sent to him by a friend -- John Stott's Basic Christianity -- and converted him through that book even before he ever met another Christian. Then when he first read the Bible some time later he immediately "knew" it was the word of God. Same as I did. That's the Holy Spirit. I love testimonies like this.

This was on Pilgrim Radio on the interview program, His People, and there will be a repeat of this broadcast later today if anyone wants to hear it, at Pilgrim, at the link above, at 9:30 PM Pacific time (12:30 AM Eastern).

This is the program list page for today at Pilgrim.

So of course I had to find his blog piece and here it is.

Also, here is a page about him at at Reformed Theological Seminary where he is a Visiting Professor. There is a video on the page where he talks about his objectives as a teacher and pastor.

By the way, if you tune in to Pilgrim Radio half an hour earlier you can hear the daily program Reader's Choice where today they are near the end of the reading of the book A Heart for Freedom by Chai Ling who was a leader of the Tienanmen uprising in China. I've missed most of the reading of this book but what I've heard has been very inspiring.

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