Friday, November 4, 2011

Just felt like posting some (mostly old) contemporary Christian music

These are contemporary Christian songs I just happen to like and like to listen to occasionally. Some of them I have to admit are more "pop" than Christian, more flesh than spirit even if the words are true. I just happened to be listening to music and felt like posting some. I may add comments as they occur to me.

The first ten are from the Maranatha Singers, a group that formed out of Chuck Smith's Calvary Chapel during the "Jesus Freak" revival of the 70s:
Sing Hallelujah -- I'd say this is a "flesh" song. Very pretty, very moving musically, but just repetitive words that build and move the emotions rather than the spirit. To clarify, I mean something like MUSICAL emotions, that don't necessarily glorify the Lord even though that's the message in the words.
Lamb of God
Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty
Seek Ye First -- This one is based on scripture and I'd like to say it's of the Spirit but I really am not sure. Again it's pretty music that is fun to sing. However, this is the sort of song that might come to me "out of the blue" in answer to spiritual concerns I'm having, and when that happens it has to be the Spirit. The following six are in the same category for me:
Jesus, Name above all Names
The Battle Belongs to the Lord
Micah 6:8 -- Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord
Psalm 5 -- Give ear unto my words
As the deer panteth for the water (Psalm 42)
You are my hiding place.
Worthy is the Lamb -- Hillsong
Worthy is the Lamb Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir.
El Shaddai & thy Word -- Amy Grant
messianic Jewish music
Another messianic song
Messianic again Days of Elijah -- charismatic style worship with dancing. (Yeah, there are some problems with the theology in this song, even the fact that David didn't build the Temple, Solomon did; as well as the question whether having dancers on the stage is legitimate worship, but this is one stirring song).
another version of Days of Elijah -- Twila Paris. I may like her version better.
And here's another version of the same song demonstrating what a show can be put on by the flesh, even claiming it's the Holy Spirit, which it isn't. this is a song that definitely stirs the flesh, as so many contemporary songs unfortunately do.
As the Deer Panteth
My All in All -- Loved this song the first time I heard it -- at a charismatic program. It's a very pretty round. As with so many of the contemporary songs -- old hymns too for that matter though they usually have more substance to them -- it's all about what the Lord has done for us, and goes on doing for us, which is certainly major truth as far as it goes, but where is the message of what He calls us to do as saved sanctified believers? And IS He our "all in all" in our experience, the way we live, or is that wishful thinking? In the end too much "me" not enough "He"
I will rise -- it SOUNDS scriptural but is it? Is there scripture that says He going to call our name and we are to rise when He does? Am I missing something?
In Christ Alone
Psalm 51 Create in Me in a Clean Heart -- Keith Green
Easter Song --Keith Green
Oh Lord You're Beautiful -- Keith Green

The Keith Green Story -- Keith Green came to Christ at the same time as the Jesus Freaks but he had his own style altogether. I was only vaguely aware of the Jesus People during the 70s -- I wasn't a Christian until the mid-80s, and there was every kind of movement in those days of every kind of religion and philosophy imaginable, and it meant nothing to me. But now that I am a Christian I eat up the stories of others like Keith Green who made a mark in the Church as he did.

A New Hallelujah Gotta get in some Michael W Smith -- rock stars have nothing on us. Look at that crowd. Hey there are lots of born again believers there, in all these crowds, but how much is worship and how much mere entertainment? Anyway, on this one I wonder what's wrong with the "old" Hallelujah that he feels the need to sing of a new one. Some adorable Ugandan kids on the stage anyway.
I Surrender All Michael W Smith. with Coalo Zamorano singing it in Spanish.
Awesome God Smith's song that I mentioned on a recent Things of the Spirit blog post as a ditty that everyone loves to sing though it's far from evoking the true awesomeness of God, more a lot of emotion born of singing along with the crowd or something like that, kind of like a cheer for our team. One of those modern worship songs in which it seems words failed the songwriter, but obviously the words are secondary, it's the feeling that counts. Definitely fun to sing -- the crowd seems to start singing before the song actually begins in this case.

Some classic hymns, not necessarily in classic style:
Take My Life and Let it Be
another version same song
Fairest Lord Jesus

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