Thursday, January 27, 2011

"Heaven" stories again

Here's a comment posted on my blog entry about visits to "heaven," a well-written encouraging comment that I think deserves some attention. I suppose it could just be that I'm too lazy to write a post of my own today, or that I'm basking in getting a pat on the back, but I think it's less either of those things than that it makes me happy when someone else also recognizes the deception in this time of growing deception.

It's from another "Anonymous" commenter:
I am so glad you have the guts to post about this. There is such a need. You are like the voice of one crying in the wilderness...and very unpopular in mainstream Christianity I fear.

I just read the 1st chapter of the book about Alex Malarkey. While I do believe this family is very sincere, I also believe they have been deceived. As one who has recently left the charismatic movement where experiences and "manifestations" are weighted heaver than digging deeply into God's Word, I can understand how this happens. I found conflictual evidence to the Bible, albeit very subtle in the reading of the first chapter.

We as modern Christians are sorely lacking in Biblical/scriptural knowledge and it shows. We are emotional creatures; our flesh is ALWAYS needing attention and we are infested with sin. The devil knows this and he is a master at deceit...we tend to put too much value in ourselves in being discerning (pride) when in fact we should have our eyes on the LORD at all times. Why else would the LORD tell us to pray without ceasing? He knows this and that we are like (dumb) sheep gone astray.

There are many, many stories like this. It is so easy to get emotionally wrapped up and embrace them (human sentimentality & flesh) instead of doing the "mundane" work of being a "biblical archeologist" and making a stand for what God has revealed to us in His Word.

Furthermore, there should be no shame in defending the faith "as it was delivered" to us and calling out heresy. We are too worried about offending others and we should be more worried about offending God!
Exactly, Anonymous. A little uncomfortable with the "voice crying in the wilderness" expression but it's unfortunately true that there seem to be comparatively few calling out these things while the majority are taken in by them.

And thanks for the observation that this kind of gullibility does seem to be the influence of charismatic theology.

Sincerity isn't enough, there are sincere believers in all kinds of error.

And thank you again for posting a comment here.

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