Friday, January 14, 2011

"Heaven" Deceptions are apparently a Winning Strategy of the Deceiver

Christian gullibility these days is quite astonishing it seems to me. My first post on the "heaven" stories has received some comments objecting to my take on them. I'm surprised at people's attachment to these stories, and surprised at the lack of discernment so many Christians have about these things.

If the Bible is well known there shouldn't be such a problem, so I have to suppose the Bible isn't well known. But the fact that the stories have been published by reputable Christian publishers must also add to the vulnerability to deception. What else may be involved I don't know, but it's a very disturbing trend.

We are certainly in a time of rampant deception, a time when there should be redoubled efforts to test the spirits rather than this careless acceptance of ear-tickling tales.


And then there is Glenn Beck. This one is subtle, one of the devil's prize strategies I think. Beck does such a convincing job of giving the gospel one even wants people to hear it. A Christian friend wants her unsaved family to hear him. Beck's gospel is counterfeit but that isn't immediately apparent. I don't know if anyone might be saved by it before its bogus nature is revealed but there is something odd about how he gets away with his preaching when true Christians can't say much of anything without being pounced on.


I also think the rejection of the woman's head covering may be a contributor to this state of affairs, as it is, after all, an undermining of a portion of God's word that has affected the church at large. A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump [1 Cor 5:6, Gal 5:9] A lack of reverent caution about some things of God could open the door to further ease of deception.


Add to that the general acceptance of the modern Bible Versions Trojan Horse, such that the churches accept a cacophony of Biblical readings as if that were a good thing, but worse, have accepted what are almost undoubtedly gnostically revised Greek manuscripts in place of the Received Text.

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